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Is there really a difference between Waxing and Sugaring?  YES, quite a bit!

Preparing for your Body Sugaring Hair Removal Appointment & Body Sugaring Pre-Treatment Advice
• ​It’s best to drink water, as being hydrated allows for the hair to be removed with ease.

• For best results, do not exfoliate the day before, the day of, or the day after treatment.  Otherwise, exfoliate and moisturize your skin regularly!

• It is best if you can to come freshly showered. Don’t apply any oils, creams or lotions prior to treatment. Or you may soak 20-minute baths to exfoliate the entire body, do not use oils in bath right before the appointment.

• No sun bathing, tanning booths, or spray tanning 72 hours prior to appointment. Remember extraction of the hair must be at least 1/8th of an inch long or have 1-3 weeks outgrowth to be removed successfully.

• I suggest you DO  NOT schedule your appointment:

  • While on antibiotics
  • If you think you may have a virus
  • During your menstrual cycle, as you may be more sensitive

• Getting a Brazilian or have Thick Hair? You should trim all dense areas down to 1/4th of an inch, but do not trim it too short.

• Bring clean, white, cotton undergarments to wear after bikini services and a clean, white, cotton shirt to wear after having your chest or back sugared. Wear or bring a clean set of loose clothes to wear after your service. Tight or sweaty clothes will cause ingrown hairs and breakouts.

• If you’re new to Body Sugaring or you haven’t been sugared in a while, stop shaving or using any other method of hair removal 7 to 10 days before your service.  There is no need to let your hair grow out for more than two weeks before sugaring.   Do not use razors or depilatory creams between treatments, as this will interfere with your goal to refine and diminish your hair growth, and to have smooth, healthy skin.

• Disclose all allergies prior to service during intake. If you are taking any medications including over the counter pain killers like (Advil or Tylenol), you can have adverse reactions to sugaring thinning of the skin, dehydration and bruising. Supplements like Vitamin C can thin your blood increasing chances of bruising.

• Stop use of Retin A, Retinol, Retinoids, AHAs, BHAs, Enzymes, Fruit Acids, Acids, Peels, 7 days prior to service, after acclimation period some sugaring can be done without a break, ask doctor for approval. Faces are particularly susceptible to scabbing or lifting if topical exfoliants have been used right before hair removal.

• Particularly for a full-face sugaring, I recommend you do a 24-hr patch test on a small area to see how your skin reacts.

​Contraindications and when to avoid sugaring:
It is important to know these contradictions before getting a service:
• NOT advised for people suffering from cold sores/herpes as the sugaring process can exacerbate or cause an outbreak of the virus.

• Sugaring cannot be performed on sunburned, irritated skin or areas with open skin.

• Raised moles cannot be sugared. I can sugar around the mole.

• You must wait a minimum of seven (7) days before sugaring after a light chemical peel or microdermabrasion or recent Vitamin C treatment

• Sugaring cannot be performed if you have been in a tanning booth the same day.

• Sugaring cannot be performed if you have had laser skin resurfacing within the past year.

• Sugaring cannot be performed if you have had a physician administered peel within the past (2) years

• NO Facial sugaring for people taking prescription Retinols, Retin-A, Renova, Differin or any other skin thinning prescription. You must wait 3 months after completing the prescription treatment to be sugared.

• Facial sugaring is NOT advised for persons using the Obagi line or other skin thinning treatment lines. Facial Sugaring while taking these medications can result in facial skin removal

• Increased Sensitivity may occur if you are using Alpha Hydroxy Acids (Glycolic, Lactic)- Oral Antibiotics – Topical Antibiotics – Retinol – Salicylic Acid – Benzoyl Peroxide – Exfoliants.

• Women may experience extra sensitivity to sugaring up to a week prior to the beginning of their menses. The best time is a few weeks prior or after your cycle.

• Common medications that are a contraindication include:

• Accutane (MUST be off for 1 YEAR prior to service)

The following medications require you to be OFF of them for a minimum of 3 MONTHS prior to service:

  • Adapalene (acne)
  • Alustra (Retin A)
  • Avage (acne)
  • Avita (Retin A)
  • Differin (acne)
  • Hydrocortisone
  • Isotretinoin (see Accutane)
  • Renova (Retin A)
  • Retin A (acne/anti-aging)
  • Tazarac (acne)
  • Tazarotene
  • Tretinoin
  • Steroids
  • Other Acne medications should be discussed with your Dermatologist prior to service

Sugar Paste Hair Removal Pricing

Lip $15

Chin $15
Eyebrow $25
Side of face (starts at) $15
Under Arms $30
1/2 Leg (starts at) $55
1/2 Arms (starts at) $55
Back [upper, middle, lower] starts at $25 each section
Chest (starts at) $40
Bikini (starts) at $60
Brazilian (starts at) $80
Stomach (starts at) $25
Buns (starts at) $30
Toes  (starts at) $7

Fingers (starts at) $7

NOTE: Prices are starting point quotes and can vary for many reasons.

Sugaring Post-Treatment Advice
• I recommend waiting 24 hours before exercising, exposing your skin to the sun, tanning beds or infrared lamps.

• Wait 48-72 hours before spray tanning because chemicals in some products may irritate open follicles.

• Avoid wearing tight-fitting garments immediately following treatment (especially for Brazilians) Friction, sweat, or heat will create ingrown hairs, bumps, redness and irritation. Avoid dirty clothes, tight clothes, dirty underwear, skinny jeans, leggings or stockings. Try wearing clean loose-fitting pants, skirts, shirts, and no underwear after a Brazilian.

• Underwear/under garments, spandex or synthetic fabrics cause a reaction on many skins, creating redness, itching, sores or ingrown hairs. Choose organic cotton, bamboo, hemp or other natural choices for undergarments or in high friction areas to avoid side effects.

• Medical experts recommend abstaining from sexual activity for the first 48 hours after any type of bikini sugaring.  Your body is most susceptible during this time to outside bacteria which can cause infection.

•Slight pinking of the skin is normal and should disappear within a few hours.  To help reduce redness and any discomfort, apply ice to the sugared area for a few minutes. Sugared areas need protection for 24-48hrs. You may see redness similar to a light sunburn, red speckling where the hair root was removed, and sometimes hives. The skin feels more tender than usual to the touch. If you have been sugared for a long time or have remarkable skin recovery time, it may only take 6-12 hours.

• Avoid scratching or rubbing the skin after treatment.  Itching may be experienced due to increased blood flow to the area sugared. Soaking in Dead Sea Salts or using salt compresses can help alleviate this. Limit soaking or compress to 15 minutes then rinse skin. For compresses dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of Dead Sea Salt in 1/4 cup of water. Additionally, hydrocortisone cream may be used to reduce inflammation as long as no medical reasons prohibit its use.

• Following a facial treatment, avoid makeup, perfumed soaps or products with chemical irritants for 12 hours. Do not apply any non-professional face creams for 24 hours.

• Be gentle the first 24-48 hours after your treatment.  You will need to treat your skin differently.  It needs protection and rest. The skin is considered irritated until the tender feeling subsides. 24-48 HR DONT’S - HOT SHOWERS, BATHS, HOT TUBS, POOLS, OCEAN, SWEAT, SWEATY WORKOUTS, SUN EXPOSURE, SCRUBS, ACTIVE/UN-APPROVED PRODUCTS.
• Always avoid fragrance/perfume, scented lotions, heavy essential oils and perfumes, can cause ingrown hairs if used at any time, ask your professional if in doubt about a product you are using.
• Wait 6-12 hours at least to shower, if you get sweaty rinse immediately with cool water no soap, use approved soaps only. After 12-24 hours, take a luke-warm shower. Avoid hot showers/baths, any soap with fragrance/perfume, harsh soap, scrubs will all cause side effects like: hives, redness, pustules, breakouts & ingrowns. Do not over stimulate the skin so it can recover.
• Hydrate after your first shower apply approved moisturizer and bump reducer.
• Exfoliate 48-72 hours after hair removal, prevent the buildup of dead skin cells, which can cause ingrown hairs.

Ongoing skin care instructions after sugaring:
• Regularly exfoliate 3-5 times a week wait 72 hours after hair removal to begin scrubbing.  Using spa massage gloves or sugar or salt scrub.

• Regularly cleanse, hydrate and protect. This will ensure your skin is in the best possible condition before and after treatment.

Waxing Education:
Hair grows in 3 phases spread over a 12-14 week span. The first phase, Anagen phase, is when the hair is actively growing, and lasts between 4-6 weeks. This is why waxing is recommended every 4-6 weeks, to catch the hairs at this stage of growth. During this time, the hair is attached to the dermal papilla–it’s connected to the blood supply. When you remove hair during this stage it removes the ‘food source’ and helps to collapse the follicle wall–leading to permanency, this is the target in waxing.  Hair that is waxed in this phase typically comes with the end of the hair called the root, and if you're lucky, part of the bulb. Waxing this phase of hair results in longer lasting hair removal, and smoother, finer hair after regrowth.

The second phase, the Catagen phase, is when the hair has detached from the bulb, and starts shedding. When hair is removed during the Catagen or Telogen phase, there is usually another hair already forming within the follicle. Because of this, you’ll see regrowth more quickly than you would have if hair had been removed during the Anagen phase.  Also, it is less likely to lead to permanency.  This is the second-best hair to wax, not getting the bulb, but still getting a slightly longer-lasting result. The final phase, Telogen phase, is when the hair is shedding, and usually comes out painlessly. 

Hairs that usually slightly poke out a few days after waxing are new growth hairs in Anagen phase. Don't worry...I will get them next time!

Keeping up with your sugaring appointments (usually every 3-4 weeks) will ensure you’re removing the hair in the Anagen phase and getting closer to your goal: permanency! Most people see a reduction in hair regrowth and finer hair after just 3-4 treatments

How Long Does a Brazilian Wax Last Until Any Hair Reappears?
Pubic hair is a type of terminal called androgenic hair, it stays in the Anagen phase for 3 to 4 months, and about 30% of one’s pubic hair is in the Anagen phase at any given time.  Catagen, or the transition phase is when the hair stops growing, the follicle shrinks, and the hair is cut off from its blood supply.  The Catagen phase only lasts for about 2 weeks, and only 2 or 3% of pubic hair is in this phase at a time. In the Telogen (or the resting) phase, the follicle remains dormant and renews itself.  The old hair is shed when the Anagen phase begins again and the new hair pushes the old hair out of the follicle.  About 70% of pubic hair is in the Telogen phase at a time, and it remains in this phase for about 3 months.

The average Brazilian wax will only remove about 30% of your pubic hair by the root while it is in the Anagen phase.  Most of the rest of your hair is in the Telogen phase, so you are only removing the old, dead hair.  Therefore, you can expect to see noticeable hair regrowth within 2 to 3 weeks.  This will vary depending on how fast your hair grows naturally.  It will also vary depending on the season – in summer, your hair will grow faster, because you have increased blood circulation to the skin compared to winter and you provide more nourishment to the hair follicles, leading to more rapid growth.  Your hair will also tend to regrow more slowly if you get sugared regularly, since you are removing more of the hair by the root.

The length you should go between Brazilian waxes depends on the factors mentioned above.  Hair grows about 1/8 inch per week, but keep in mind that most of your pubic hair is dormant at any given time.  So, while the hair that was just beginning the Anagen phase after you get waxed will be the 1/16 inch -1/ 4-inch length is needed for a Brazilian wax after two weeks, much of your hair will still be resting.  Since the dormant period is about 3 months, you can expect about half of your pubic hair to be growing again in 6 weeks.  You can usually get a Brazilian wax every 3 to 4 weeks.  If you get sugared on a regular basis, you will be able to go even longer between waxes, since your hair will be thinner and more in sync with your waxing schedule.

Histamine Reaction to skin from any wax removal or sugar paste removal
When hair is removed from the root during waxing, your body views this as an assault. In response, your body’s immune system kicks in and you start producing histamine. Histamine is produced within the cells at the site of the trauma. The effect of histamine is to cause the blood vessels to dilate and the skin to turn red, this is called inflammation. The job of histamine is to make the walls of the blood vessels thinner and wider so that white blood cells can more easily enter the blood stream and fight off the cause of the perceived assault. The redness that histamine produces is a direct result of this action. most people will have some level of histamine response to the process of waxing.

It is common, to expect a certain amount of redness immediately following waxing from the histamines you produce. In our bodies, we have a natural compound that stops the action of histamines. It is called cortisol. It is produced by the adrenal glands, which are activated by stress. If your body perceives that pulling out the hair is stressful, it will first produce histamines within the cells of the affected area, and then produce cortisol in the adrenal glands to counteract it. The cortisol production will lag behind the histamine production since the body wants to give the histamines a chance to do their job. How much histamine you produce, how much cortisol you produce, and how quickly you produce the cortisol all work together to determine how long your skin will stay red after waxing. Everybody’s got their own schedule for that sort of thing and making a prediction of how you will react is very difficult.

Some people will not have to do anything to bring the redness down after. Within a few hours their body will have done all the work for them. With rare exceptions, everyone’s body will do the work within 24 to 48 hours without any assistance. Since cortisol is our body’s natural response to histamine, it makes sense that you may want to look to medicines that contain cortisone to reduce the redness of histamines.

hydrocortisone cream, such as Cortaid, is very good for this purpose and is the easiest home remedy for most people. I don’t recommend applying hydrocortisone creams repeatedly because that creates excess cortisone in the area and can cause problems of its own. But applying hydrocortisone two or three times during a 24-hour period should not be a problem and should be determined by you or your doctor. If you are allergic to cortisones, of course, you would not use this remedy.

 For those who want to be more homeopathic with their skin care treatment, lavender essential oil has strong anti-inflammatory properties and may be a choice you prefer to use. It reduces redness, swelling and heat in the skin. You can purchase an organic therapeutic on-line form Rocky Mountain Oils or DoTerra, lavender essential oil and it is an excellent home remedy to keep handy for a variety of skin irritations, including burns and insect bites.  Lavender can be applied directly or diluted to the skin. This is very different from all the other essential oils which must be diluted, or they will burn your skin. I want to make it very clear that even though you may apply lavender without dilution, you cannot do this with other essential oils. Applying 5 or 6 drops of lavender oil to your skin will help calm it down and make you smell good, too!

To avoid a possibility of a breakout after sugaring
Sometimes people complain that they get little whitehead pimples at the site of waxing. This is less common with sugaring and usually happens on the upper lip and chin.  The body registers hair removal from sugaring and waxing as trauma so it produces histamines. The histamines thin the walls of the blood vessels, so the white blood cells can enter. White blood cells and pus is what the pustules are made of the tiny white pustules using appear 24-72 hour after the wax.

Also avoid touching over the newly soft skin. When we do this, we can transfer bacteria on our hands to the open pores of the skin and can create a bacterial reaction. To help prevent or lessen the severity of a bacterial reaction I will use an antibacterial/antimicrobial post-waxing product and providing antibacterial hand sanitizer for the client. I can also treat with a high frequency (over cotton gauze) on dry skin to introduce oxygen to the pores and help kill any potential bacteria.

It is best to not touch the area for at least 24 hours, and not to work out, or perform any activities that will cause excess sweat (exercise, hot shower, steam, etc.) for at least 24 hours. Also, for the back and chest, bring a clean t-shirt to wear after the service.

Benefits of Sugar Paste hair removal:
• There’s no reason (as is common with waxing) to let your hair grow long before getting sugared.  Your hair needs to be at least 1/8 of an inch, but I recommend no longer than 1/4 of an inch.  You will be able to come in sooner and you'll be able to extract more hair in early or active growth cycles.  This leads to faster refinement and reduction of growth! You'll be shocked to see how quickly you can achieve reduced and refined regrowth.

• Sugaring hair removal exfoliates the skin making your skin radiant. It is also wonderful to brighten tattoos and to remove dry skin cells.

• Reduce Ingrown Hair – No more razor burn, bumps or cuts. 3 - 4 weeks to grow back, over time its semi-permanent.

• Sugaring clients have dramatically less ingrown hair than waxing or shaving clients. This is due to decreased breakage and much less aggressive "rip" than is required with wax.

• Enjoy quick recovery time with sugaring, sugar is much gentler than shaving or waxing.

Sugar Love contains 100% Organic ingredients: Sugar, Lemon juice, and Water...that’s it! Tamara’s paste uses a simple paste made from three all-natural ingredients: Sugar, Water and naturally derived Citric Acid.  All Allergen free ingredients (check for citrus allergies).

• Since it is water soluble, it can be easily rinsed away if needed. This means easy clean up and easy to erase mistakes on brows and bikini lines.

• Less Painful – Cannot adhere to live skin cells on your bodies, faces, or legs.  The paste will lubricate the root for easier extraction from the follicle. When it is removed, it only gently exfoliates dead skin cells, leaving behind silky smooth skin. You will never lift or remove anything but hair. 

• Sugar is never heated only warmed to temperatures that are below body temp 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit and will never burn the skin.

Disadvantages of Waxing
• Most products used for waxing legs and full bodies are made from petroleum-based resins, chemicals and dyes.

• Wax products are made of resins which adhere to skin cells. Because wax sticks to any surface it is applied to, pulling it away causes unwarranted pain. It can lift the skin, bruise the skin, and cause hair breakage and ingrown hairs.

• When waxing legs and bodies, you remove the hair against the natural direction of growth causing undue levels of pain. 

• Waxing the legs or other areas on a client using hot wax runs the risk of burning sensitive skin. There’s just no way around that. While women are used to this risk, men are often intimidated by the idea of hot wax on their chest, legs, face, or back.

Body Sugaring WILL
• Minimize ingrown hair
• Extract all hair colors and textures
• Successfully treat all skin types and colors
• Refine and diminish hair growth
• Improve the skin’s tone and texture
• Treat various skin problems such as Keratosis, Eczema, Psoriasis, etc…

Body Sugaring WILLNOT 
• Burn the skin
• “Pit” the delicate facial skin cells
• Scar the follicle mouth or surrounding area
• Promote cross contamination
• Cause unnecessary discomfort
• Cause ingrown hair
• Damage or lift the skin
• Leave you feeling sticky
• Irritate delicate facial skin

The benefits of body sugaring vs waxing far outweigh the cons.  If you haven’t tried sugaring before, I strongly encourage you to try it. 

It is the only hair removal method I will use for myself and for my clients.  To give it a try, start with a small part of your body... like your armpits.

Schedule Now!

Tamara’s Sugar Paste and SugarLove Paste (cold or warm) are the two brands of sugar pastes I have been trained on and will be using for my clients.

Sugaring is one of the oldest methods of Hair Removal and originates from Ancient Egypt. Sugar Love contains 100% Organic ingredients: Sugar, Lemon juice, and Water...that’s it! Tamara’s paste uses a simple paste made from three all-natural ingredients: Sugar, Water and naturally derived Citric Acid.

I am trained in the traditional sugaring technique. I manipulate the Sugar Paste by hand, using a molding action to apply it, and a flicking motion to remove it.  I may also use strips with the sugar when they are needed to remove hair from an area that is not flicking or if I need to do more detailed work.  I also use the SugarLove brand sugar paste (cold or warm) and use the flicking method or strip method to remove it depending on the best method to remove your hair for your comfort and ease. 

Sugaring will become your new favorite form of hair removal! If you sugar consistently every three (3) weeks, your hair growth will slow down, eventually taking 4-5 weeks to grow back after each service. Try to come every three-four weeks to reduce discomfort and enjoy being hairless all of the time!

Hair Removal Services