new service offerings:
The Shamanic Ascension Journey is a blend of all my healing modalities including Ascension Therapy, Sound Healing, Shamanic Journeying, Energetic DNA Cleansing, Entity/Attachment Release, Shamanic Guidance, Channeling from God (Source), your Spirit guides, Animal guides, Ancestors, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Divine Beings. It also includes Chakra Balancing and various Shamanic Tools (rattles, tuning forks, drums, sage, chimes, cards, essential oils, etc.). I intuitively facilitate the perfect Divine healing session for you whether you’re in-person or via remote.
I create a sacred and safe healing space to aid you to releasing karma, low vibrations, negative behaviors, deep seeded emotions, and any resistance that is hindering you from moving forward on your journey. I facilitate your Shamanic Ascension Healing Journey as a healing session that connects the conscious and subconscious worlds and can awaken healing, answers, knowledge, and wisdom.
Shamanic Ascension Journey is a gentle lying on of hands with the intention of creating a sacred, healing space for you to accept and use the spiritual strength needed to truly heal yourself. This high art of healing touches your soul in such depth that it creates an opportunity to heal your many layers of trauma. You are cocooned in a sacred space for protection and are nurtured in a safe environment which is needed for you to release deep seeded emotions, heal ancient wounds and/or perhaps ascend into a wonderful euphoric state. My role is to be your anchor to this present life while you travel to other times of your current and parallel lives and heals traumas and retrieve lost soul parts.
During the in-person session you will be laying down on a massage table (fully clothed), while I take you on a Shamanic Visionary journey. I channel God (Source), your Spirit guides, Animal guides, Ancestors, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Divine Beings; while using shamanic sound healing instruments to release what no longer serves you and raise your vibration. Following your session, I prepare a detailed report of the entire Shamanic Ascension Journey and send it to you via email 24 to 48 hours after your session. This is a great guide that connects the conscious and subconscious worlds and can awaken healing, answers, knowledge, and wisdom. This may help provide insight and awareness to your career, romantic life, unseen aspects, physical health, and more.
Ascension Therapy
This is a form of energy healing with the intention of ascending your vibration and awakening your Divinity (Divine purpose and true essence). I channel God (Creator of all) and Ascended Masters to infuse you with Divine light. Through this process of infusing you with Divine light and increasing their vibration, any low vibrational energies, entities, or Miasmas are released. While your vibration is increasing, you typically feel an intense tingling sensation and may feel mild electric currents flowing through your body.
Shamanic Journeying
Shamanism is an ancient form of spiritual healing that is used to restore balance and wholeness by addressing the root cause of a person's problem or dis-ease. A shamanic practitioner uses a drum or a rattle to shift into altered states of consciousness so they may access different realities in the spirit world to bring back healing, information and power. Shamanic healing is an effective form of healing to address any physical, emotional or mental health issues. It is excellent for restoring self-confidence, self-worth, self-love, and a person's individual sense of power in the world. Shamanic healing is also effective for removing unwanted energies, retrieving a spiritual ally (power animal), ancestral healing, helping a loved one who has passed to cross over to the Light, and for retrieving lost parts of the soul due to trauma. It is a powerful form of healing that may be used in combination with any other healing modality. A combination of energy healing and intuitive guidance. A Shamanic Journey is a great tool that connects the conscious and subconscious worlds and can awaken healing, answers, knowledge, and wisdom. I facilitate the entire journey which will provide insight and awareness to possibly: your career, romantic life, blind spots, physical health and more.
Chakra Balancing
Energy balancing and healing focused on each of the 7 Chakras:
Depending on where the in-balance is within the 7 Chakras and what releasing and healing is needed will determine the flow of the session. The session is done with strong intuition and energy healing (very light touch of the body). During most sessions the client will feel heaviness leaving the body, heating and cooling sensations, and bursts of energy flowing through the body.
Entity/Attachment Extraction
It's not what you see on the movies, it's gentle and empowering. I invite in God (Creator), the Ascended Masters, Star-seeds, Divine beings, Archangels and the Armies of Divine guides to help free you from your human limitations, entity attachments, addictions, curses and family patterns that are no longer serving you. Specific ceremonial release focused on entities or family energetics that are connected to more than one soul.
Light Weaving Timeline-Shifting
Parallel Timeline Shifting (also called Light weaving) is an ancient practice channeled from the Ascended Masters to fully awaken your highest parallel lifetime frequency. It is a healing modality that uses energy transmitted from the 5th dimensional realm, angelic realm, and Source, using sacred geometry, colors, and energy also known as Light Language.
Energetic DNA Cleansing
Cleansing & releasing faulty energetic, emotional, mental & physical signatures & patterns. This is a channeled ancient healing modality where I utilize energy and light infusions, sacred geometry, tuning forks, rattles, sage, essential oils, crystal therapy, and open the sacred space for Divine guides to assist the client in healing.
Understanding Energetic Signatures
We come into this Earth Plane vibrating at a certain frequency which creates our energetic signature. Our energetic signature attracts our experiences, karma and people into our life by matching our frequency to that situation or person. So, if we are vibrating low, we will attract low/negative people and experiences in our life. These are the energetic patterns that get passed down for generations and generations. They carry the energetic effect of the thoughts, emotions, actions and inactions of all our ancestors. They are the dis-eases, limiting beliefs and patterns that are common in our ancestral lineages and present among many of our family members. When you have a trauma that is repeated in various lifetimes that means you have an energetic signature that keeps attracting a similar situation to play out again. The way to release this signature is to choose a different path, awaken new beliefs, heal the trauma (acceptance, release of victim and manifest ownership) and operate in new healthy patterns and thoughts. For example, if you were sexually abused, you need to forgive yourself and the other person (authentically), understand and own that your soul called forth this experience for wisdom, strength and mastery, and shift the thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, patterns and people that you once engaged in that assisted in attracting this low vibrational experience.
Typically, clients are intending on bringing awareness to the following:
Rate for Shamanic Ascension Journey Session
$175 for a 30 minute In-person or Remote session (using FaceTime or Zoom)
What to expect during an in-person session:
During the session, I will be in a meditative and trance-like state, and you will be preferably laying in a quiet place where there will be no interruptions. Once I enter your energy field, I allow my higher-self to connect with your higher-self, the Ascended Masters, Divine guides, and Spirit guides. We both surrender and allow the journey of healing to begin. As I connect with your energy, I will be guided on where the energetic blocks, trauma, and “dis-ease” is in your body. I will work with intention, light, crystals, and guides to perform the healing needed.
I invite God (Creator), Ascended Masters, Star-seeds, Divine beings, Archangels and the Armies of Divine Guides to free you from your human limitations, entity attachments, addictions, curses and family patterns that are no longer serving you.
Specific ceremonial releases are focused on entities or family energetics that are connected to more than one soul. My experience with this type of work is usually discovering a dark, low-vibrational energy, entity, or entities that have attached themselves to a family or a collection of souls that have parallel life connections.
I channel in the Ascended Masters to infuse you with Divine light and hold sacred and protective space during the ceremony. I use my sacred and holy tools (crystals, rattles, sacred geometry, sage, frankincense, essential oils, candles, etc.) to raise your vibration and release anything in you and your family’s lineage that is holding you back in life, or wreaking havoc on your life through the process of infusing you with Divine light and increasing your vibration.
When I help you ascend your vibrational state of being, it can release and heal physical ailments, addictions, negative thoughts and patterns. It can also release karma and soul agreements that no longer serve your highest potential, low vibration, blockages from aligning with your Soul Purpose, deep-seeded emotions, and any dark energies or entities that have attached to you.
What to Expect with a remote Shamanic Ascension Journey Session…
We will be connected using Zoom or FaceTime. I will be in a trance at my wellness center performing your Entity Release Ceremony. This ceremony will not be recorded in any way. After the closing of the ceremony, I will prepare and send a full report to you on what transpired during your ceremony.
How to prepare for the remote session:
Variations of Sessions:
Facial Reflexology
The latest new alternative to Botox and fillers is Facial Reflexology. It is a way to calm stress, re-balance the body, and repair the skin.
30minutes for$75 (add-on service only)
60minutes for$150
What is Facial Reflexology?
Facial reflexology is a non-invasive, gentle massage technique that involves applying pressure to specific points on the face and scalp to stimulate the brain and promote healing. The practice is based on the idea that the face connects to different organs through meridian points, which are energy pathways in Traditional Chinese Medicine, it will balance the yin and yang energy in your body by way of your face.
Facial reflexology is a way of treating the skin and body’s imbalances. By using tools that work along meridians and focal areas mapped out on the face, a practitioner will balance the yin and yang energy in your body by way of your face. If it sounds a lot like acupuncture, it kind of is. The end goal of facial reflexology is to balance yin (too little, or deficient) and yang (too much, or excess) energy.
Benefits of Facial Reflexology
Like facial acupuncture, facial reflexology can be used to address imbalances in the body which, in turn, help to clarify, tone, smooth, and brighten the skin. The skin is always a mirror of how the inner processes of the body are functioning and when taking a holistic approach to skin healing, you can’t treat one without addressing the other.
Additional benefits of Facial Reflexology
Facial reflexology can have a variety of benefits apart from the physical limitations of our faces. After a few facial reflexology sessions, you can expect to have:
Is Reflexology Good for the Face?
Reflexology isn’t just all health and well-being benefits. A secondary benefit to having a professional work with your face for so long can even help you look better! Facial reflexology will help ease our facial muscles and stimulate blood flow. These two benefits in turn help our faces aesthetically, with benefits including:
What to expect in your first Facial Reflexology Session?
Before any reflexology session, your reflexology practitioner will conduct an assessment to understand if you have any health conditions that may preclude you from this treatment. Make sure to communicate openly about any health conditions you have before the session, and about any discomfort during the session. For a facial reflexology session, you can expect your practitioner to work on your face, ears, neck, and head.
For a facial reflexology session, you do not have to undress in any way. However, you should make sure not to wear any facial jewelry. These can include earrings, necklaces, and any form of facial piercings.
A session usually takes 30-60 minutes and could take place in a dimmed room. I play soft music in the background to help you relax.
Many people report feeling lighter, more ‘opened up’, or even experience a tingling feeling, as if the energy flow is faster and better. Most also sleep better after the session. Though there are some who report feeling restless, as if the increased energy flow is keeping them awake.
Remember to drink plenty of water after your session! This will help your body to eliminate toxins as it re-balances itself to help ensure long term results.
Reflexology is Not a Cure-all
Reflexology is a wellness therapy, not a cure for serious complaints or conditions. It can help reduce some of the symptoms of serious diseases, such as nausea in patients receiving chemotherapy. It is also not recommended for those with the following conditions:
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