What Is Lypossage™ and does it work?
The appearance of cellulite can be a source of frustration for both men and women but especially women where a soft, smooth skin look is desired. With advancements in research and new studies conducted in the area of aesthetics, new treatments are now available to help patients solve the problem of cellulite. Lypossage™ has been acclaimed as the leading non-invasive body contouring therapy.

Lypossage™ is a holistic, healthy, non-surgical manual contouring, anti-aging and detoxification treatment, that reduces the appearance of cellulite and wrinkles, help smooth and contour the skin, and reshapes the body. The technique derives from complex physical therapy techniques (CPT), deep lymphatic drainage, deep myofascial release protocols and other therapeutic massage techniques. Lypossage™ works to detoxify the body of stagnant, stalled lymphatic fluid (Lymph Edema) which can remain stagnant under the skin causing the look of bumps, bulges, and dimply skin that some describe as the "cottage cheese" or “orange peel” textured look. As cellulite forms within the fat tissue under the skin, the capillary blood flow slows down, which also decreases lymph flow. Because the lymphatic system does not possess muscles, which would lead to muscle movement helping to pump fluid, manual techniques must be incorporated to ensure adequate blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.

These are the primary components of Lypossage™, combining pressure and a manual massage to manipulate the interstitial fluid, break up retention, and improve overall lymph flow.  The deeper Lypossage™ strokes break up adhesions under the skin that can contribute to the dimpled, uneven appearance of cellulite. Lypossage™ also tones the muscles, lifting and firming sagging tissue.  It works to improve muscle tone, lymphatic drainage and circulation. This modality is not only designed to break up cellulite but to also stimulate collagen and elastin. Lypossage™ uses a deep form of lymphatic drainage and fascia work, which lengthens fascia and cleans body through lymphatic system. Lypossage™ encourages circulation, assist in removing toxins, lifting loose skin, and contouring the body.  Lypossage™ for the face helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It’s an instant face lift!

Additional Benefits of the Treatment
While Lypossage™ treatments are specifically intended to be used as a manual body contouring technique. Most people find this treatment enhances their focus and energy level too. This treatment will improve self-image, help to drain fat, improve the texture and tone of skin, improve circulation, release toxins, release deep fascia restrictions, improves posture, increases muscle tone and helps to decrease areas of discomfort. This treatment has positive effects on the cardiovascular system and the lymphatic drainage system. This treatment feels great to receive and it will leave you looking and feeling great!

Does Lypossage™ work?
Clinical studies prove the efficacy of this treatment. In a study of 100 women between the ages of 35 and 50 (with steady habits) nearly 95% of the participants lost dimension in the targeted areas. This study has been replicated many times over with similar results. Although actual results may vary from person to person, it is not uncommon for cumulative dimension loss, measured over multiple points, to be anywhere from 6 inches to over 14 inches. Most women will drop a full dress size without a significant reduction in their weight. While cellulite is not a dangerous or serious medical condition, it is one that many want to be improved. Cited results are based on study participants making no other lifestyle changes. I am able to offer coaching and advise on how you can further enhance the results of your treatment.

Where Does The Lypossage™ Technique Come From?
It was created by Charles W. Wiltsie III, LMT…an internationally recognized massage therapy educator and practitioner. Mr. Wiltsie conducted a yearlong study of 100 female subjects that documented the effectiveness of the technique. The study was published in Massage and Bodywork Magazine in 1999. In the study, notable results included an average inch loss of 1-1/2 inches per thigh and a cumulative average inch loss of almost 7 inches.

Who Can Perform My Lypossage™ Treatments?
Lypossage™ practitioners are specially trained massage and body therapists who have learned this extraordinary hands-on technique and are licensed to practice under the Lypossage™ name. I personally learned directly from Charles W. Wiltsie III, LMT, the creator of this technique.

What to expect from Lypossage™
Although Lypossage™ does not hurt, it can be uncomfortable. Some soreness and bruising may occur due to the depth of manual fascia bodywork. Expect elimination of bowels and cleansing urination to move toxins out of the body. Lypossage™ is not a weight loss program. Lypossage™ is backed by a variety of research and clinical studies.

How are results measured?
I will weigh, measure and photograph you at your initial appointment and again at key intervals during your treatment to track your progress. Lifestyle change is not a required part of the treatment, however I will help guide you in your program and can provide wellness coaching in order to further enhance your results.

How Are My Treatments Scheduled? How many sessions of Lypossage™?
Each Lypossage™ treatment lasts approximately 30 minutes per zone and is performed in a series of 18-sessions over the course of 4-8 weeks. (2-4 treatment sessions per week.)  Treatment sessions are based on zones. You may wish to treat multiple zones during a single session. You will start to feel a difference almost immediately, but it may take 8-10 sessions before the results become measurable. After that, the progress can be quite dramatic. Combining Lypossage™ with LypoSlim® wraps will further enhance your results. Maintenance programs will be customized to meet your needs and may include a home care protocol and monthly or bi-monthly maintenance treatments.

What parts of the body respond to Lypossage™?
Lypossage™ can be performed on three areas of the body known as zones. These zones are defined as follows:

Zone 1 – Hips, Thighs, Buttocks & Lower Abdomen

  • Diminish the appearance of cellulite in areas that tend to be the most problematic.
  • Improve muscle & skin tone.
  • Affect posture & structure.
  • Feel better in your body.
  • Dimension loss is typical. 
  • Cleansing of the lymphatic system
  • Improved circulation
  • Increases the elasticity of all tissue

Zone 2 – Upper Abdomen, Back, Decollate & Arms

  • Improve your posture.
  • Dimension loss in arms and abdomen is typical.
  • Natural firming of bust area.
  • Toning and firming of the bust area.
  • Improve circulation and lymphatic flow to the upper body.
  • Decreases fat in the underarm pocket.
  • Tones arms.
  • Firms tissue.
  • Decreases rolls around the rib cage
  • Smooths the midriff.

Zone 3 – Face, Neck & Head

  • Lift and tone sagging tissue in your face and neck with dramatic results.
  • Significantly Diminish the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Improves & smooths skin tone and texture.
  • Firms facial tissue.
  • Increases elasticity and detoxifies the tissue.
  • Rids eyes of puffiness and dark circles and gets rid of or reduces jowls.
  • This truly is a "natural" face lift.

Why do I have cellulite, lumps, and bulges?
The cellulitic layer is a physiological fatty layer that is supposed to be there. The extent to which it is visible is affected by several variables including genetic predisposition, dietary habits, exercise habits, and hormones among others.

One of the biggest culprits that causes cellulite is toxins and unfortunately they are everywhere.

The fatty tissue of your body acts as its “toxic waste disposal site,” where substances that it cannot metabolize are dumped. This congested tissue can have poor circulation (you'll feel that cellulite prone areas are cool to the touch). Lymphatic flow may also be restricted by tight undergarments and pantyhose. This congested tissue has poor blood circulation, which Lypossage™ will improve.

One of our body’s main jobs is to get rid of toxins – but when toxins become too burdensome for our body to handle – it starts transferring them into fat cells so they will not harm precious vital organs. The dimples and pockets of cellulite are storing toxins.

I've heard that machines can do this too...Why should I choose Lypossage™?
Lypossage™ is the leading manual body contouring modality in the world. While both approaches deliver gratifying results, Lypossage™ appeals to the person who prefers to have treatments performed by hand, rather than with a machine. It must also be performed by a trained massage therapist or other qualified health services professional (whole body treatment) or estheticians (head, neck, and face). There are no such requirements of contouring machines.

Is it safe?
Lypossage™ is a non-invasive, natural health treatment that helps to cleanse the body of toxins and retained fluids. Most clients find it enhances their energy and mental clarity. While there are some contraindications for specific medical conditions, Lypossage™ can be safely experienced by most healthy individuals. It is much safer than surgical procedures such as liposuction.  However, for those who opt for a more dramatic surgical result, Lypossage™ can be very beneficial before and after the liposuction procedure.

What are some typical results and how will I know what mine will be?
While results vary, cumulative dimension loss over five key measurement points averaged 6.75 inches in the original study. It is not uncommon to find cumulative inch loss of up to 11 inches. One client in the study lost almost 3 inches in her waist measurement alone. Most women find that they will drop one to two dress sizes without reduction in their weight. I will weigh, measure, and photograph you before you begin your program and at key intervals to track your progress.

Is there a special diet or exercise program?
Though the individuals in the Lypossage™ study were restricted from initiating any new diet or exercise program during the course of their treatments, we find that most clients become so inspired by their Lypossage™ results that they readily adopt lifestyle changes that help them progress even more rapidly. A diet rich in whole, organic foods and regular body movement will contribute to a terrific outcome. Avoiding foods containing refined sugar, preservatives, hormones, caffeine and salt will help keep your newly detoxified body in the best shape possible. Drinking copious amounts of water is the key to keeping the body cleansed.

What should I do on my own to enhance the results of my treatment?
It is recommended that you follow an at-home body care regime, including specialized Lypossage™ treatment products to stimulate circulation in cellulite-prone areas, exfoliate and hydrate the skin, as well as improve its tone and elasticity. The Lypossage™ Home Care Collection can be purchased by you through me and provides state of the art spa formulas that will bring your skin and body into beautiful condition.

What do I need to do to maintain my results?
Maintenance programs will be customized to the needs of each individual client. At completion of a Lypossage™ series, I will sit down with you to do a final consultation, including going over your results with you and providing you with a thoughtful recommendation on what your maintenance should be. Continuing with the Home Care Protocol and a program of monthly or bi-monthly maintenance treatments will help you retain your results.

What it is not:
This program in not intended to be a weight loss program. Instead, it works with your body to eliminate toxic stored waste products allowing for a more toned, contoured effect and a cumulative dimension loss. It is not a magic cure for all that ails you but is a tool to be used to create a better you.

Lypossage™ packages are prepaid at the initial consultation appointment.
(payment plans may be set up)

Initial and final consultations are included in the package price.

Special Offers!!

“Try it out” session on one Zone - One 30 minute session     $75

One Zone
$75 each - 30 minute session
9 sessions  -  $675

18 sessions  -  $1,350

There is a savings to do more than one zone on the same day

Two Zones
$150 each  -  60 minute session
9 sessions $1,350

18 sessions $2,700

Three Zones
$200 each  -  90 minute session
9 sessions $1,800

18 sessions $3,600

A compliment to Lypossage™
For best results, LypoSlim® should be used in conjunction with a Lypossage™ regimen.


LypoSlim®  -  $200 per treatment    75 minutes


Learn More

For more about Lypossage™, Before & After pictures and History, visit the official consumer website at: www.lypossageusa.com


Non-invasive body contouring therapy!

Laser Lipo

Laser Lipo Belt is a device designed to help with fat reduction, often marketed as a non-invasive alternative to traditional liposuction. The belt typically uses low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or laser lipolysis to target and break down fat cells. It's worn around a specific area of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, or arms, and the laser light is emitted through the belt to penetrate the skin and stimulate the fat cells.

How it Works:

  1. Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT): The laser light penetrates the skin and targets fat cells. The idea is that the light energy causes fat cells to release their contents (mainly water, free fatty acids, and glycerol) into the bloodstream, where they are processed and eliminated by the body naturally.

  2. Fat Reduction: By breaking down fat cells, it is claimed that the device can help reduce inches from targeted areas over time. However, it is typically marketed as part of a broader weight loss or body contouring regimen, often combined with diet and exercise.

  3. Non-Invasive: The procedure is non-surgical, meaning it doesn't involve needles, incisions, or recovery time. This makes it more appealing to people seeking body contouring without undergoing more invasive procedures.


While some users report success with fat loss and body shaping, the effectiveness of Laser Lipo Belts is debated. Many professionals agree that, while the technology may offer modest improvements, it’s unlikely to produce dramatic results without accompanying lifestyle changes, such as a healthy diet and regular exercise.

In summary, the Laser Lipo Belt is a device that uses low-level lasers to target and reduce fat, marketed as a non-invasive solution to body contouring, but its effectiveness can vary, and it should not be seen as a substitute for healthy lifestyle habit.

Non-invasive laser “lipo” is a non-surgical procedure treatment. It helps to liquefy the fat beneath your skin surface, detox and tone.

It uses red LED therapy and it targets individual fat cells so that they can easily be flushed out of the body.

The light energy from the lasers slowly penetrate fat cells, causing them to lose their shape.This treatment can be done 72 hours apart for 30-60 minutes. You may lose about 2-4 inches in 40 minutes.

Note: Green tea contains EGCG (catechin) it has been proven to increase light absorption by up to 10x times.

Important Information to know:
- Duration of a session is 30-60 min per area. You may choose to do up to 3 areas per session.
- Frequency 1-2 times a week
- 5-10 treatments for noticeable results
- Aftercare & Results: drinking 1 gallon of water a day
- Results will occur up to 72 hours

- Must wait 72 hours before treating the same area

30 minute Laser Lipo Treatment for $75
60 minute Laser Lipo Treatment for $150


Electric Muscle Stimulator (EMS)
An Electric Muscle Stimulator (EMS) is a device that uses electrical impulses to stimulate muscles, causing them to contract. The technology is commonly used for therapeutic, fitness, and rehabilitation purposes. These devices are typically small, portable units that attach to the skin using adhesive electrodes. The electrical impulses mimic the action potential that comes from the central nervous system, which is what typically triggers muscle contractions.

Key Uses of EMS:
1. Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy:

  • EMS is often used in the recovery of muscle strength after injury or surgery. It can help prevent muscle atrophy (muscle wasting) in people who are unable to exercise due to injury or illness.
  • It may also help with pain relief by stimulating the muscles and improving circulation.

2. Muscle Recovery and Performance Enhancement:

  • Athletes sometimes use EMS to speed up muscle recovery by promoting blood flow and reducing soreness after intense workouts.
  • EMS can also be used to strengthen muscles and increase muscle endurance when used in conjunction with regular physical training.

3. Toning and Shaping:

  • Some people use EMS devices to help tone and define muscles. The electrical impulses stimulate muscle fibers, which can lead to increased muscle tone and strength, though it should be paired with proper exercise for optimal results.

4. Pain Management:

  • In some cases, EMS is used to manage chronic pain conditions, such as back pain or arthritis, by stimulating muscles and promoting the release of endorphins, which can help alleviate pain.

How EMS Works:

  • The device sends a low-frequency electrical current through the skin to the muscles. When the current reaches the muscle fibers, it causes them to contract.
  • The intensity, frequency, and duration of the electrical pulses can be adjusted depending on the desired effect (e.g., for muscle strengthening, pain relief, or recovery).

Safety Considerations:

  • While generally safe when used as directed, EMS should not be used by people with certain medical conditions, such as heart problems, pacemakers, or epilepsy.
  • It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and, if necessary, consult with a healthcare professional before using an EMS device, especially for therapeutic purposes.

EMS is widely available in consumer devices, ranging from small handheld units for personal use to larger, professional-grade equipment used in clinics or gyms.

This device is to work to a certain extent, primarily by helping to temporarily tone and strengthen muscles. This machine is not a replacement for regular exercise and should be used in conjunction with a workout routine for optimal results.

xx minute EMS Treatment for $xxx


Ultrasonic cavitation
Ultrasonic cavitation is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment used to reduce fat and contour the body. It employs low-frequency sound waves to create bubbles in fat cells, which then implode, leading to the breakdown of fat tissue. This process is sometimes referred to as "ultrasonic liposuction" or "fat cavitation."

Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

  1. Ultrasound Waves: The device used for the treatment emits low-frequency ultrasound waves. These sound waves penetrate the skin and target the fat cells beneath the surface.

  2. Cavitation Effect: The sound waves cause the formation of tiny gas bubbles within the fat cells. As these bubbles grow, they eventually implode or collapse, causing the fat cells to break apart. This process is called cavitation.

  3. Fat Release and Metabolism: The broken-down fat cells are then metabolized by the body’s natural processes, primarily through the lymphatic system and liver. The contents of the fat cells are gradually eliminated by the body.

Benefits of Ultrasonic Cavitation:

  • Non-Invasive: No surgery or needles are involved.
  • Minimal Downtime: Most people can return to their regular activities immediately after the treatment.
  • Targeted Fat Reduction: It can be used on specific areas, like the abdomen, thighs, arms, and flanks, to contour the body.
  • Skin Tightening: It may help tighten the skin in treated areas, although the primary focus is on fat reduction.
  • Painless: The procedure is generally painless, with only a slight tingling or warmth felt during the treatment.

What to Expect:

  • Duration: Each session typically lasts around 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the area being treated.
  • Number of Sessions: Multiple sessions may be required for optimal results, usually 6 to 12 sessions, spaced about a week apart.
  • Results: Some people may notice a reduction in fat after just one session, but more dramatic results tend to appear after several treatments.


  • Not for Major Weight Loss: Ultrasonic cavitation is more suited for people who are near their ideal weight but want to target stubborn fat areas.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: To maintain results, it's recommended to eat healthily and exercise regularly.
  • Temporary Results: The effects are not permanent, and additional treatments may be needed to maintain the contouring.

It’s a popular alternative to liposuction for people looking for a non-surgical fat-reduction solution, though it's essential to consult with a licensed practitioner before undergoing treatment to ensure it’s appropriate for your goals.

Please read the following important details very carefully and ask questions should you need to:

  • Duration of this session is 20-30 minutes
  • Maximum of 30 minutes is allowed per session, every 72 hours
  • One area is worked, or it can be split between opposite sides of the body (i.e. 15 minutes on the right thigh and 15 minutes on the left thigh)
  • The body needs to work to remove the excess fat that is passing through the lymphatic system to the liver. The liquified fat takes 3-5 days to leave the body naturally through the urinary track system, lymphatic system to the liver and passes as waste from the body.  This is why it is not advisable nor effective to work multiple areas the same day.
  • Frequency to receive a session per week is 1-2 with a 72 hours interval
  • 6-10 sessions are recommended for best results per area.
  • Final Results will show 3-5 days after session.
  • A one month break is required after 12 sessions on the same area before starting more sessions on the same area
  • This treatment is not for weight loss.
  • This treatment is to reshape and sculpt the body and remove localized stubborn fat or cellulite.
  • These treatments work best when combined with a low fat and low carbohydrate diet and regular exercise.
  • Drink plenty of water (up to a half gallon a day) to help with the fat removal.
  • Do not drink alcohol or coffee the day before and the day after the treatment.  For best results, wait up to 3 days after your treatment.
  • For coffee drinkers that can’t avoid their coffee, follow up your coffee intake with the same amount of water.   (i.e. one cup of coffee followed by drinking one cup of water)
  • It is important to understand that every body is different and your body will work according to your metabolism. You will see reduction during the course of your treatments, which is why its recommended to get a minimum of six treatments.  However, some people will need 10-12 treatments to receive their desired results.
  • Wearing a waist trainer will help enhance your results. Wear it three days after your treatment for up to 4-8 hours a day.

Body Cavitation treatments are NOT recommended if you have (or have had) any of the following conditions:

  • Pregnant or Breast feeding
  • Metallic implants (such as pins, prostheses or a metal IUD)
  • Intrauterine device (avoid abdomen)
  • Epilepsy
  • Cancer at any time and in any form
  • Blood disorders
  • Heart Disease
  • Kidney and Liver disease
  • Severe high blood pressure or Circulation problems
  • Deep vein thrombosis (Varicose veins)
  • Hemorrhagic disease, trauma, vascular rupture
  • Inflammation of the veins (Phlebitis)
  • Treatment with anticoagulants, antinflamatories or antibiotics
  • Taking steroids for a long time
  • Infections
  • Internal bleeding (i.e. from Ulcers)
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Red, dry, and itchy skin rash
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Transmissible disease
  • Being on your menstrual cycle can cause a heavier flow. Please be sure to book any appointments when you are not on your menstrual cycle. (This is recommended for any abdominal work treatments)
  • Under 18 years old
  • Any woman must wait a minimum of 3 months after vaginal birth of your baby or a minimum of 6 months after a C-section

xx minute Ultrasonic cavitation treatment for $xxx


Vacuum Therapy:

Vacuum therapy is a non-invasive treatment method that uses suction to stimulate and improve circulation, tissue regeneration, and the appearance of the skin. It involves the use of a device that creates a vacuum-like effect on the skin, which can target various areas of the body. The treatment is commonly used in different fields, including aesthetics, physical therapy, and rehabilitation.

Key Applications of Vacuum Therapy:

1.  Aesthetic and Body Contouring:

  • Cellulite Reduction: Vacuum therapy is often used to reduce the appearance of cellulite by stimulating the underlying tissues and improving circulation. The suction may help break down fat deposits and encourage lymphatic drainage, which can smooth the skin's surface.

  • Body Sculpting and Toning: Some people use vacuum therapy to contour their bodies by targeting specific areas, such as the thighs, abdomen, or buttocks. The suction is thought to help lift and firm the skin, especially in areas that may have lost elasticity.

  • Facial Treatments: Vacuum therapy is sometimes used in facial treatments to promote blood flow, reduce puffiness, and improve skin texture and tone. It can be used in combination with other treatments, like facial massage, to encourage collagen production.

2.  Physical Therapy:

  • Muscle Relaxation and Pain Relief: Vacuum therapy can be used in physical therapy settings to relieve muscle tension and promote relaxation. The suction effect helps increase blood circulation to muscles and tissues, which can alleviate pain and accelerate recovery from injuries.

  • Scar and Adhesion Treatment: For those who have scar tissue or soft tissue adhesions (often after surgery), vacuum therapy may help break down the fibrous tissue and improve mobility.

How It Works:
The treatment typically involves a machine with suction cups or cups placed on the skin. The device creates a vacuum or negative pressure, which pulls the skin and underlying tissues into the cup. This pressure helps increase blood flow, promote lymphatic drainage, and stimulate collagen production. In some cases, vacuum therapy may be combined with other techniques like massage, infrared light, or radio frequency to enhance the effects.


  • Improves circulation and lymphatic drainage.
  • Helps reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  • Firms and tones the skin.
  • Can relieve muscle tension and promote healing.
  • Non-invasive with minimal to no downtime.

Risks and Considerations:

  • Bruising or Skin Irritation: Some people may experience mild bruising or redness where the suction cups are applied, though these effects are typically temporary.

  • Not Suitable for Everyone: Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as skin infections, blood clots, or certain heart issues, should consult with a healthcare professional before undergoing vacuum therapy.

  • Results May Vary: The effects of vacuum therapy can vary from person to person. While it may provide visible improvements, the results are often subtle and may require multiple sessions to be noticeable.

In summary, vacuum therapy is a versatile treatment with various aesthetic and therapeutic applications, offering benefits like improved skin texture, reduced cellulite, and muscle relaxation.

xx minute Vacuum Therapy treatment for $xxx


Vacuum Therapy for Buttocks

Vacuum therapy for buttocks is a non-invasive treatment designed to enhance the appearance of the buttocks by using suction and massage techniques. It's sometimes referred to as a "butt lift" or "vacuum butt lift." This method aims to stimulate blood flow, tighten the skin, and increase the volume of the buttocks by improving circulation and encouraging collagen production.

Here’s an overview of how it works and its potential benefits:

  • Suction Cups: A device with special suction cups is applied to the skin of the buttocks. The cups create a vacuum effect by pulling the skin and underlying tissue upward.

  • Massage and Stimulation: The device may also incorporate massaging movements, which help promote lymphatic drainage and improve circulation.

  • Duration and Sessions: Typically, the treatment takes around 30-45 minutes per session, with a series of sessions (usually 6–10) recommended for optimal results. Some people may notice improvements after just one session, but it may take several treatments to achieve the desired look.

Potential Benefits:

  • Enhanced Butt Shape: The suction stimulates the tissues and may help increase firmness and volume, creating a more lifted appearance.

  • Improved Skin Texture: Vacuum therapy can help tighten the skin, reduce cellulite, and smooth out dimples, making the skin look firmer and more youthful.

  • Increased Circulation: The massage and suction promote better blood flow and lymphatic drainage, which may help detoxify the body and improve skin health.

  • Non-Surgical: One of the biggest advantages of vacuum therapy is that it’s a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment, meaning no needles, no incisions, and minimal downtime.

What to Expect After Treatment:

  • Mild Redness: The suction may cause temporary redness or mild bruising, but this should subside within a few hours or days.

  • Temporary Results: The effects of vacuum therapy can be temporary, and maintaining the results may require regular treatments or combining with a healthy diet and exercise routine.


  • Not a Permanent Solution: While vacuum therapy can temporarily improve the appearance of the buttocks, the results are not permanent. Regular treatments may be needed to maintain the lift.

  • Skin Sensitivity: Some people may find the treatment uncomfortable, especially those with sensitive skin or conditions like varicose veins.

This is a non-invasive treatment as opposed to more medical treatments like:

  • Buttock Injections: (e.g., Sculptra, Botox): For those looking for longer-lasting results, injectable treatments that enhance volume or reduce sagging can be considered.

  • Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL): A surgical option that involves liposuction and fat grafting to enhance the size and shape of the buttocks.

While vacuum therapy is popular for its non-invasive nature, the results can vary, and it's always advisable to discuss any body contouring treatments with a certified practitioner to determine the best approach for your goals.

xx minute Vacuum Therapy for Buttocks treatment for $xxx


Wood Therapy

Wood therapy, also known as "Madero Therapy," is a type of body treatment that uses various wooden instruments to massage and manipulate the body. The therapy originates from Latin America and is often used for body contouring, improving circulation, reducing cellulite, and promoting lymphatic drainage. It is a non-invasive treatment that involves the use of specially designed wooden tools, such as rollers, cups, and sticks, to target specific areas of the body. This treatment is a terrific way to relax your muscles, ease body aches and tension. It also promotes circulation and relaxation. It is a non-invasive way to break up fascia adhesion and improve your skin tone and may help you look slimmer too.

Key Benefits of Wood Therapy:

  1. Body Contouring: It is often used for shaping the body, particularly in areas like the abdomen, thighs, and arms, by breaking down fat cells and helping to improve skin elasticity.

  2. Cellulite Reduction: The massaging action stimulates circulation and helps to break down the fatty deposits that cause cellulite.

  3. Lymphatic Drainage: The therapy encourages the drainage of toxins and excess fluids, which can help reduce bloating and improve the appearance of the skin.

  4. Increased Circulation: The massaging action can improve blood flow, promoting healing and detoxification.


  • Help loosen tight muscles and decrease soreness
  • Help soften and breakup fascial adhesions
  • Redistribute and relocate volume on the body
  • Improve the flow of the lymphatic system to eliminate toxins
  • Smooths skin and reduces the appearance of cellulite and adipose tissue (fat)
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Helps eliminate and flush toxins
  • Helps to sculpt and naturally contour your body
  • Pain reduction
  • Promote relaxation
  • Helps breakdown fat and the pockets of fat just below the skin
  • Firms thighs, butt, arms, belly
  • Improves skin tone and elasticity

Important Information to know:

  • Duration of a session is 2-4 minutes per area
  • Frequency 1-2 times a week
  • 5-10 treatments to get best results
  • 72 hours between sessions

Aftercare & Results:

  • Drink lots of water
  • You should notice instant results
  • Redness or bruising can occur - using Arnica gel can help with the healing process from any bruising

30 minute Wood Therapy treatment for $75



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Body Contouring & Sculpting Services:

Anti-Cellulite body sculpting