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The Human Lymphatic System

Each quadrant of the body has its own drainage pattern and ducts that the interstitial fluid is directed to drain toward. For example, the head and the upper chest drain into the Right Lymphatic and Left Thoracic Ducts which are under the clavicle or collarbone toward the middle of the body. The arms and lateral half of the breast drains into the armpits. There are three main sites in the armpit that generally are very congested if you use (or have used) commercial deodorants and antiperspirants.

If that is the case, these sites tend to be very sensitive to pressure. As these ducts open and drainage occurs, the area under the armpit can appear concave whereas before treatment it may have had a convex or golf ball appearance. A benefit of this particular drainage is that the arms then fall closer to the sides of the rib cage and the shoulders relax. The mid-line of the breast toward the sternum drains into the ducts between the ribs near the sternum and down to the xiphoid process. For women, underwire bras tend to block or inhibit the drainage flow pattern of the breasts both toward the middle as well as to the outside of the breast.

Example of a clogged lymphatic capillary

 Manual Lymphatic Drainage
DTMLD flow - Normal
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Some of the conditions that MLD is beneficial for are fibromyalgia, sinusitis and some allergies, congestion and puffiness of the face, post surgical rehabilitation (including cosmetic, liposuction, breast reduction or implants, laser surgeries) and reduction of the appearance of varicose and spider veins, rosacea, acne and wrinkles. Headaches and arthritis pain can be reduced as well. Contraindications for MLD are active infection, open wounds, fever and some kidney or heart conditions. Always inform us of any health conditions or changes in health history that you may have.

 Manual Lymphatic Drainage can reduce the effects of depression and anxiety brought on by stress, thereby improving sleep. Your health and well-being can be definitely be improved and supported with this technique.

Example of the normal lymphatic drainage process

The lymphatic system in your body is responsible for carrying away toxins and bacteria, bringing in white blood cells (lymph fluid) that act as our immune system. The white blood cells are responsible for attacking viruses and cancer cells, keeping the body free from invaders that threaten our health. Consisting of lymph nodes and channels, the lymphatic system acts as a sanitation system filtering and transporting the dirty cells to the kidneys and liver for elimination. The veins and arteries of the circulatory system are close in proximity to the lymph channels and assist in the flow of lymphatic fluid since the lymph system has no individual pump to carry the fluid throughout the body. The only other means of circulating the fluid is through body movement or muscle contractions.

It takes approximately 24 hours for the body to process about three quarts of lymphatic fluid. When you add an injury, infection or surgery where lymph nodes are removed, the flow of fluid is hindered, hence you get edema (swelling). Lymphedema is the chronic swelling of tissues due to blockages and lack of flow within the lymphatic system.

With Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD), the effectiveness of the lymphatics can be enhanced by manually assisting the flow, pushing the toxins and waste products through. Most of your lymphatic system is below the surface of the skin and there are valves that allow the fluid to flow only one way. The practitioner uses deep tissue techniques and distinctive manual strokes to open closed drains and ducts. Their hands are used to open drain pathways toward the vessels to clear lymphatic stagnation and reestablish overall circulation to drain old congested toxic filled body fluid stagnations.

These tried and true techniques provide instant relief and immediate results. During treatment, the practitioner works on specific sections of the body. In some cases they may devote an entire hour to target one or two sections in order to drain excessive edema (swelling).​​